ONSO Resources
God has called us to love our campus. But how do we even make initial connections with people in an online-only era? Your staff team has put together some resources that you can use to reach out to others around you.
Zoom Links
Area EventsSix Pack: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/97844731725?pwd=WVAzdnphKzlpZ1ljcUFtMUZJZVUwQT09
Apartments: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/92867663402?pwd=TGpaQzFucXd0Q2gyV2FRaTYrWlZVdz09 Urbana North: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/94778844502?pwd=SnZZZ0dVU013WC96OW5BbnhmRjM0Zz09 Urbana South: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/98867714771?pwd=R3RrbUwxcHVrZExqZXQySUtpcFRpZz09 |
Large Groups |
Spicy Outreach
Are you ready for Brittany's spicy ONSO challenge? Choose a spice level that you're comfortable with and choose 1-2 ideas on that level. Level up and get SPICY! See how God shows up in our ministry!
MILD - Chipotle Corn Salsa
MEDIUM - Siracha
HOT - Spicy Shin Ramen
Spicy National Resources
Instagram ProxeEngage your Instagram followers in a dynamic discussion about Jesus and racial justice. The Better World Instaproxe allows you to your own virtual Proxe Station by sharing the beautiful art of Shin Maeng, creating an Instagram poll, and then following up with those who respond and invite them to join you for GIGs, faith conversations, and other community events. This Instaproxe is perfect for helping to awaken curiosity and start spiritual conversations with friends, acquaintances, and social media followers.
IGNITEYour hobbies, God's mission. Ignite is a tool that helps you create online communities and share the gospel around your hobbies and interests.
Present the Gospel in SGGood invitations to faith require good preparation. This script will help any student, staff person, or faculty member guide their SG members through the thresholds and make a compelling call to faith in their corner of campus.
Zoom Backgrounds
Got a messy room? Need to hide your roommate? Looking for a way to advertise IV to peers in your classes? Save these backgrounds and throw em up behind you!